Alignment Revolution Ministry

Discovering the true alignment through revolution, uncovering your true identity through forward movement and connection.

Discover Your True Identity

Who does God say you are? Who has the world tried to say you are? It’s time to wake up and discover that you are more than a conqueror. It’s time to learn that you are not too far gone and that freedom is steps away.

Empty Nesters

As we transition out of our roles as moms after more than 20 years, what comes next? For many of us, being a mom has been a defining part of our identity since childhood, from playing with baby dolls to running a household. But now that our children have grown and flown the coop, what’s next for us? It’s both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, isn’t it? It’s the paradox of our job as moms—we’ve successfully raised our kids, but now we’re faced with the question of what comes next for us, with potentially decades of life still ahead. Join me as we navigate and understand this next phase together. How thrilling! Let’s tackle it as a team and discover what lies ahead in this new season of our lives.

Walking & Talking

As we age, prioritizing movement, exercise, and resistance training becomes increasingly important, but many of us struggle to know where to start. Our sessions will primarily focus on getting active outdoors while exploring what God has in store for you in this next phase of life. Walking is often underestimated as a form of exercise because it may not seem intense enough, yet I believe that through these walks and conversations with the Lord and each other, we can draw closer to where we need to be. Do you ever feel like it’s too late to make a change? Whether we’re in our mid-30s, early 40s, or even our 50s, and we feel like we’ve missed the mark, I believe this is just the beginning of an incredible journey. Let’s walk together and discover how we can realign ourselves with what God says about us. Take a step with me toward your new season of life.


Walking & Talking

Walking session where we explore where your hang ups have been, how you might feel too far from God, or not in alignment with what He says. This is just the beginning to unlock more for your life and let’s walk it out together.

Muscles on Mission

Resistance training for us as we age is so important. It strengthens our minds and bodies but so many women are afraid to pick up a weight or enter a weight room. Join me as I show you how you can start with just a few simple moves and increase your confidence to start your training journey.

Coffee and Community

Grab a cup of coffee with me and let’s chat. So many simple moments can create monumental experiences if we just attune our ears to hear what He has to say.


Hayden S.

“When I first met Beki, I was drawn to her beautiful spirit. As we got to know each other, she proved to be a wonderful listener and always had insightful feedback and support. I joined a group she was leading that focused on women finding freedom through a deeper connection to Christ where the depths of her faith and her desire to serve the Lord was truly apparent. her continued friendship has meant the world to me as we both navigate following Christ in this tricky world. Most importantly, no matter what I’m facing she always points me back to God as my one true source.”

Lindseay R.

“When Beki and I first met, I was in a major transition in my life. I had recently gotten sober and it was somewhat of the beginning stages of me being “on fire” with my relationship with Christ. Immediately, I was drawn to her not only for her outward beauty but because of her beauty that shines from within. Anyone that has struggled with addiction or any hardship in their life, knows that community or just a friend whom you look up to, can help ease those daily struggles and challenges. That’s who Beki was for me. She is a friend, a sister, a confidant, and a natural born leader. She is intentional with her time spent with you. The words that she shares is, impactful. Her heart, truly gold. I’m thankful for our paths aligning. I’m thankful for the wisdom that she so freely shares. And I’m thankful for who she is, down to her core. I would always call her Beki with the Good Hair. But she is more than that. I am entirely grateful for her sounding ears, her loving heart, and influence she’s had in my life. I love her tremendously and thank God for her.”

  • How my daughter’s birth reaffirmed my faith in God

    In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success.

  • From Here to There

    Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning.

Contact us


613 S El Camino Real
San Clemente, CA 92672